This is the article about "Top 10 SharePoint Interview Question and Answers" which is helpful for those who are searching for interview questions and answers about SharePoint.
1. Define SharePoint?
Ans: Microsoft SharePoint is an enterprise partnership and
content management platform which enables users to connect each other and share
the information across an business. Indirectly this solves the problems in an
organization to share the documents, security, business process, maintaining
data etc.
2. What is CAML?
Ans: CALM stands for Collaborative Application Markup Language. It is
an XML-based language that is used in Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services to identify
sites and lists, including, for example, fields, views, or forms, but CAML is
also used to define tables in the Windows SharePoint Services database during
site provisioning.
3. Explain about Sandbox solution?
Ans: When user writing custom code then it is not trusted its
failure causes on entire site. So the sandbox solution concept is used. In that
case program is only written for specific site & solution is uploaded in
the same site.
4. What are Solutions?
Ans: Solutions are the container packages for Features.
Solution essentially, is a cabinet (.cab) file with extension .wsp which
contains various components needed to be deployed along with files that explain
some important metadata about those Components. Once a Solution is installed on
a server in the farm, you can deploy it to any webapplication from your
Solution Management.
5. Name some zones in SharePoint?
Ans: Zones provide the separate logical paths of authentication
for the same web application.
Some zones in SharePoint are:
- Default
- Intranet
- Extranet
- Internet and
- Custom
6. Define Custom action?
Ans: Represents a link, toolbar button, menu item, or any
control that can be added to a toolbar or menu that appears in the UI.
7. What is WebApplication in SharePoint?
Ans: In SharePoint WebApplication is an IIS website.From Central Admin we can create the web application. Each
web application is associated with one IIS web site.Once the web application is formed, we can extend the web
application in different zones. For each web application, comfortable database is created.
8. What is a web part zone?
Ans: Web part zones
are what your web parts exist in. Each webpart zone can contain number of
webparts and can be located in a specific way to create a webpart Layout Page.
9. Define about Content types in SharePoint?
Ans: A content type is a WSS type definition which is flexible
and reusable. It is used to define the columns and behavior for an item in a
list or a document in a document library.
10. What is WSP stands for? Explain briefly?
Ans: WSP stands for Web solution package. When developer does any enhancement in
SharePoint, then there are many items that need to be deployed like assemblies,
resource files, features, images, application pages, site definitions etc. So
SharePoint introduced a solution package which is powerful deployment tool.